Traumatic Brain Injury

A blow to the head by a fall, a traffic accident or a violent crime can have an impact on the brain because it is roughly pressed against the inner side of the skull (coup contort obliteration). Whiplash can also lead to TBI.

In very severe traumas, this can even lead to brain hemorrhage or clearly visible lesions to the brain structure.

Not all injuries can be detected with an NMR (MRI) or CT scan. Structurally everything can seem intact, but when the brain is disturbed we speak of functional injuries.

Functional injuries are the result of changed, functional and effective connectivity. To perform a day-to-day tasks, more functional connections are needed than normal. In other words, the brain works less efficiently.

The impact of this on someone’s daily life can be particularly detrimental. Disorders of memory, concentration, attention but also fatigue, word-finding disorders, delayed reactions, etc.are the result of this.

There are of course different degrees of Traumatic Brain Injuries, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

The American film 'Concussion' by Peter Landesman (2015) shows the story of TBI very well.

How can a TBI be treated?

A qEEG examines how the brain works in a resting state. On the basis of a comparison with a norm population, possible dysfunctions are mapped.
These data will help us to use neuromodulation techniques to improve, compensate or stabilize the disturbed brain function.
This will mainly be done through neurofeedback.