Attention and concentration disorders

Forming attention and concentration disorders

The best known form is ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).

The cause is a disruption in the functioning of certain neural networks, the DSM-5 correctly calculates AD (H) D to the neurobiological developmental disorders. In 50% of cases AD (H) D is hereditary. The disorder manifests itself in a pattern of inattention and / or hyperactivity impulsivity.

A distinction is made between three subtypes: the predominant inattentive type, the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, and the combined type. As one gets older, most of the symptoms of ADHD decrease, yet this cannot be predicted. At 1/3 the ADHD symptoms completely disappear when adulthood is reached whilein the other group, the complaints continue to existusually in a milder form; especially the hyperactivity and the impulsivity decrease more than the attention problems.

Adults with ADHD often show typical features such as showing uptoo late, meeting difficult commitments, talking loudly, having trouble with authorities, low frustration tolerance, being temperamental, being stubborn, having trouble sleeping, etc.

Attention and concentration disorders do not always have to be innate, they can also be acquired. Conditions such as depression, burn-out syndrome, hormonal changes (e.g. menopause), and brain injury can negatively affect attention and concentration levels.

​How can attention and concentration disorders be treated?

It is important to emphasize that attention and concentration disorders usually have a neurobiological cause and to map this a qEEG is taken. It is well known that medication, such as methylphenidate (Rilatin), can have a positive effect on ADHD.

Scientific research has shown that neurofeedback is a valuable therapy to treat concentration and attention disorders. But neuromodulation can also help to improve attention regulation. In addition to neurofeedback, several neuromodulation techniques, such as tDCS, tES, tRNS, can be used.

The qEEG can help us to determine which neuromodulation technique could have the most effect.