What is tRNS?

Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) is a variation on tACS. But instead of changing the flow direction continuously, rhythmically, the load is varied in a randomized manner to create an'electrical noise'.

Neurons exchange information when they work in the same phase or rhythm: "cells that fire together, wire together" (Hebbian Rule, 1949). Our research and that of other groups show that syndromes such as tinnitus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, etc. persist because an 'erroneous' functional network has formed in the brain. As a result, these conditions are so persistent and difficult to treat.

Hypothetically, tRNS can disrupt the rhythm within functional networks. As a result, the communication within a pathological network can fall away, which could reduce the complaints.

However, the precise operation of tRNS is not yet known and requires further scientific research. Studies in people with tinnitus show that when tRNS is administered at the level of the auditory cortex, this can have an effect on the loudness of the tinnitus.

How is tRNS applied?

Although TRNS is not painful, during the stimulation you will feel slight tingling on the skin under the electrode. TRNS has no serious side effects. During a tRNS session, the patient is in a comfortable chair.

As with all other forms of tES, electrodes are placed on the scalp to stimulate a specific part of the brain. Since the scalp and the skull form a barrier with much resistance, only part of the applied electrical flow will reach the cerebral cortex. Yet the strength of the current that reaches the brain cells is sufficient to influence the functioning of the neurons.

To achieve an effect, 2 to 3 stimulations per week are performed. Only after 4 to 5 sessions can it be evaluated whether the stimulation will influence the symptoms. A complete treatment consists of at least 8 to 10 stimulations. In chronic conditions, it is sometimes necessary to repeat these stimuli at regular intervals.

TRNS can be used in tinnitus, burnout, depression, fibromyalgia, CFS, OCD, etc.