
What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition that occurs in 3-9% of the population, but most often in women between the ages of 40 and 50.

The complaints consist of generalized pain throughout the body, often combined with extreme fatigue. Usually the pain is continuously present, but can also occur in 'flare-ups' that sometimes can last for days. Especially the joints and muscles are particularly sensitive and painful.

The pain is caused by a lack of pain suppression rather than by pain delivery. It is associated with a generalized hypersensitivity to stimuli such as sensory, emotional, and cognitive and autonomic stimuli.

The emotional sensitivity is expressed by depression and emotional lability.

Cognitive hypersensitivity is often manifested by concentration and attention disorders, as well as memory disorders. This is also called 'brainfog'.

Autonomic hypersensitivity is characterized by, among other things, irritable bowel syndrome, palpitations, blood pressure disorders, nervousness and increased irritation.

How can fibromyalgia be treated?

Physiotherapy and drug treatments often have insufficient effect on the pain and fatigue symptoms of fibromyalgia.

By administering a weak electrical current to the large nerve that runs over our back of the head (Occipitalis nerve), pain symptoms can decrease, we call this C2 stimulation.

C2 stimulation works by restoring the balance between pain delivery and pain suppression.

When this C2 stimulation does not work or works insufficiently, the brain areas that control pain suppression can be directly stimulated.