Tensor tympani syndrome (TTS)

The musculus tensor tympani or "drum floss tensioner" is a small muscle that allows us to stretch our eardrum.

When this muscle is chronically overloaded, all sorts of complaints occur such as pressure in the ear, mild tinnitus, slight balancing, feeling under water, feeling in a ton, tension headaches, pain in the face, etc.

Usually the muscles of the neck and / or the jaws are tensioned due to stress, anxiety and psychological overload.

The Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTS) has many similarities with the Acoustic Shock Syndrome (ASD). Probably both are another expression of the same problem.

How can TTS be treated?

In the first place, the cause of the overload must be sought.

Usually it involves a combination of peripheral (muscle tensions, acoustics of the ear, etc.) and central factors (tension, anxiety, activation of the stress network in the brain).

A qEEG will be taken to check if the stress network in the brain is disturbed and will help us to determine which neuromodulation technique could have the most effect.